Welcome to Typewriter online - English version!
Typewriter is a free webbased e-learning tool designed for schools, companies and basically everyone looking to develop their typing skills.
Create a free account and learn how to touch-type on your own or together in class.Click practice to try out some of our lessons without signing up first.. Sign up! It`s free!
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Create a free account and learn how to touch-type on your own or together in class.Click practice to try out some of our lessons without signing up first.. Sign up! It`s free!Sign up now
New version!
The new version 4.0 uses modern WEB 2.0 technology and is 100% compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux. All you need is a browser. Now also available for iPAD!
Award Winner
The online Typewriter is winner of the Learnie Award 2004, an Austrian award honoring outstanding e-learning tools.Certified learning app
Since 2023, our Typewriter has been certified by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research as a quality learning app.